The Interest rates for Deposits is again lowered by 0.1% from 1st July 17

ஜூலை முதல் வட்டி விகிதம் மீண்டும் 0.1% குறைப்பு

Saturday, 9 June 2012

IP Exam for 2012 - Last Date : 25.06.2012

click the below link to see the details Conducting of Limited Departmental Competitive Examinati...


                                   DEMANDS. 1) Declare GDS employees as civil servants and make them eligible for all service benefits at par with other central Government employees.  2) Take back the GDS Engagement Rule and re introduce GDS Service and Conduct Rules.  3) Issue orders to protect TRCA on the basis of MOS assurance.  4) Fix the norms of cash handling by BPMs  as  Rupees 5000 for one point of work.  5) Fix the  Bonus ceiling pay limit as rupees 3500 for GDS employees.  After the lunch hour dharna  FNPO affiliated unions will  submit a Memorandum to the...

Pension Bill Defered

click the below link to see the details PROCUREMENT OF BICYCLE FOR POSTMEN. UPA defers Pension Bill after Mamata's veto  Thanks to Selvi.Mamataji. .Pension bill deferred, not discussed in Cabinet  FRDA bill to make NPS more attractive...

Thursday, 7 June 2012

LSG To HSG II Promotion

Promotion Orders - LSG (RMS) to HSG-II (RMS) cadre Click here to see the order...

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Ms.S.Meenakshi, IP, Vallioor Sub Dn Transfered to IP, Sholavandan Sub Dn. Courtesy : Tamilnadu IP/ASP Union ...

Monday, 4 June 2012

Central D.A. from July'12 may be 7% again.

                  Subject to AICIN data for the next two months remaining in the current level, the following assumption is being made.                  The AICPIN data for April 12 has been recently published. It rises to 4 points and reached 205. We know that D.A. is calculated on the basis for 12 months average. To calculate the D.A. payable from 1st July 2012, we need the figures of May and June 2012 which are to be released on 30.06.12 and 31.07.12 respectively. If the data remains for the next two months in the same level, i.e. 205, the hike will be 7%. Even if it marginally drops 1 point in any of the months,...

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