The Interest rates for Deposits is again lowered by 0.1% from 1st July 17

ஜூலை முதல் வட்டி விகிதம் மீண்டும் 0.1% குறைப்பு

Thursday, 26 February 2015

NFIR’s 55 Point Charter of Demands

NFIR’s 55 Point Charter of Demands Including DA Merger, Interim Relief and Scrap NPS
1. Withdraw FDI, PPP in Railways – Stop Out Sourcing, Contractorisation and Privatization.
2. Scrap New Pension Scheme in Railways and restore liberalised pension scheme.
3. DA merger with pay with retrospective effect and payment of Interim Relief to Central Government employees (serving and retired).
4. Calculation and payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) on actual wages.
5. Transport Allowance be exempted from the purview of Income Tax.
6. Increase contribution to Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) by atleast 10-times for all Government employees.
7. Merge Technician-II with Technician-1 with Grade Pay Rs.2800/- (PB-I) in Railways.
8. Revise entry grade pay of Station Masters as Rs.4200/- in PB-2.
9. Replacement of Grade Pay Rs.4600/- with Rs.4800/- (PB-2) w.e.f. 01/01/2006.
10. Revise upwardly the kilometrage rates of Running Staff w.e.f. 01/01/2006 – Settle Running Staff issues as per agreement dated 7th February, 2014.
11. Implement agreement for Up-gradation of Apex Group ‘C’ posts to Group ‘B’ Gazetted in Railways.
12. Allotment of higher Grade Pay to the Loco Pilots and Guards.
13. Count Temporary status Casual Labour Service in full as qualifying service for retirement and other purposes.
14. Allot entry Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- to the Group ‘B’ Gazetted staff.
15. LARSGESS be extended to GP Rs. 2400/- and above.
16. Track patrolling – Support man provision be complied with.
17. Rectify MACPS anomalies.
18. Rectify Sixth CPC anomalies.
19. Enhance Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs.500/- p.m. to not less than Rs.2000/- p.m., for all retired employees.
20. Extend special privileges and facilities for Women employees for their
21. Ensure full implementation of the report of Joint Committee for career
growth of Track Maintainers.
22. Abolish 12/- Hours duty in Railways – Introduce 8 hours duty roster for Running and Safety categories staff. Classify Running Staff working high
speed trains as “Intensive” – NFIR’s proposals on the recommendations of High Power Committee (R&S) be considered for reaching negotiated settlement.
23. Remove hardships being faced by Train Controllers.
24. Reduce Duty Hours of Nursing Staff, thus honour Government’s decision.
25. Create ticket checking staff posts for manning trains.
26. Casual Labour acquired temporary status prior to 01/01/2004 should be covered under Liberalised Pension Scheme.
27. Implement norms approved by Railway Board and sanction new posts of SSE/JE (Signal), ESM, Helper (Signal) etc.
28. Amend Rules for providing employment to Wards of Employees.
29. Provide quality Health care to employees, their families besides retired employees.
30. Fill vacancies of Doctors, Para Medical Staff and provide Super specialists in all Railway Hospitals — enhance superannuation age of Railway Doctors.
31. Cover all Railway employees under Incentive Scheme in Workshops, PUs etc., wherever not covered.
32. Grant parity in Pay Structure for Stenographers in Railways at par with CSS/RBSS.
33. Training Allowance should be revised to 30% of pay in all Training Centres/Schools.
34. Implement agreement on stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors.
35. Review SPAD definition – Prevent harassment and victimisation of Running and safety categories staff.
36. Make upward revision of Income Tax exemption limit in the case of running staff.
37. Running Rooms should be improved, air-conditioned and upgraded on priority.
38. Grant Project incentive allowance to the staff working in projects on Indian Railways.
39. Negotiating foras of PNM, DC/JCM & NC/JCM should be made effective for resolving issues speedily – Implement agreements reached in PNM, DC/JCM & special meetings etc., immediately.
40. Ensure creation of posts in safety/operational/public image categories for manning new services and maintaining new assets without linking to matching surrender.
41. Grant Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers.
42. Absorb quasi administrative units/offices staff against posts in GP Rs. 1800/- PB-1.
43. Induct Course Completed Act Apprentice against vacancies.
44. Ensure quality Uniform to all employees and supply of quality protective gears — concede NFIR’s proposals.
45. Grant Patient Care Allowance to all para-medical staff.
46. Provision of single woman Hostel facility at all Divisional Headquarters and important stations.
47. Setting up of a multi-disciplinary training institute for imparting training in rail related electronic technologies for the wards of Railway Employees.
48. Extension of medical facilities to the dependent parents of railway employees.
49. Liberalize compassionate appointment provisions.
50. Remove restrictions on payment of Children Education Allowance/Hostel subsidy.
51. Allot adequate funds for maintenance of Railway Quarters as well as construction of new quarters.
52. Introduce warning/ Hooter system to prevent deaths of Track Maintainers etc., while on duty.
53. Grant Study leave with attendant incentives liberally o the employees for pursuing higher studies.
54. Enhance Night Patrolling Allowance for Track Maintainers.
55. Allot Pay Band-4 to Junior Administrative Grade Officers in Railways.
Source: NFIR

Flash News : Merger of DA with Pay and Grant of Interim Relief

The JCM Staff Side delegation met the Chairman, Seventh Central Pay Commission, 25/02/2015 at 11:00 hrs. The detailed report as follows…
i. Merger of DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief :-
The JCM Staff Side insisted that the Pay Commission should consider Staff Side memorandum submitted in the month of June 2014 and recommend DA merger. The Chairman, 7th CPC replied that there is no communication from the Government of India to give interim report on DA merger demand. After discussion, the Chairman 7th CPC has decided to send D.O. letter to the Government today conveying the strong protest of Staff Side/JCM.
With regard to grant of Interim Relief, the Chairman heard the point of view of the Staff Side JCM that it is only “provisional payment in view of market situation and urged upon the Commission to send suo-moto recommendation to the Government.
ii. Allotment of time slots for explaining the case of Central Government Employees as well ‘ Departments like Railways, Postal, Defence (Civil side) etc.,
The Chairman suggested that small committees may be constituted by the Staff Side for meeting the Pay Commission for deliberations and enough time will be given. He also said that the Memorandums given by JCM, Federations/Unions/Associations have been gone into by the Pay Commission fully. He further said that VII CPC will meet the teams from each department and hear their proposals.
Responding to this, the JCM Staff Side has agreed to make out the proposal for the purpose of facilitating the Pay Commission to hear the views/submissions of the Federations/Unior/Associations. The deliberations may commence somewhere after 15th March, 2015. Staff Side JCM will prepare time schedule proposal and send to Pay Commission accordingly.
iii. Gramin Dak Sewaks – The case was explained. The Pay Commission was suggested that the copy of Supreme Court Judgment may be made available for examination.
On behalf of NFIR S/Shri M.Raghavaiah (JCM Staff Side/Leader), Guman Singh, R.P.Bhatnagar and B.C. Sharma have participated in the meeting.
(Dr M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Postal JCA Struggle Programme on 27/02/2015

       The Second phase of programme decided by Postal JCA comprising NFPE & FNPO - AIPEU GDS (NFPE) & NUGDS is on 27-02-2015 - 

ORGANIZE                        MOBILIZE 
27 - 02 - 2015

Now, India Post to sell biscuits, photo frames and mugs

CHENNAI: After introducing auxiliary mail services in an attempt to salvage its sinking fortunes, India Post will now sell biscuits, photo frames and mugs. After opening in Bengaluru and Mysore, Chennai's first Post Shoppe will come up at the head post office on Anna Salai next mont

Postmaster general Merwin Alexander said the store would also sell pens, markers, gum, books and souvenirs with the India Post logo.

It will be located next to the multiple counters for postal and banking operations, so that customers can pick up stationery, and more.

"Post Shoppe is aimed at bringing various items of selected utility on sale under one roof. There will also be greeting cards," said Alexander. "Despite the internet, there are still many takers for greeting cards as it makes a difference to the receiver who would cherish it and keep it as a fond memory from a loved one," said Alexander. There was also a plan to have coffee vending machines at the shop, he added.

The postmaster general said the facility would augment the needs of the customer and also add value to the place. "If a customer walks in and finds that he is not carrying a pen, he can quickly get it from the Post Shoppe. And then there are other things he can buy. It is all about customer delight," said Alexander. "In short, it is expected to be a shelf of aesthetics and utility."

After seeing the response in Chennai, India Post will decide whether to replicate the store in tier two cities. Customers are welcome to send in suggestions on the content and feel of Post Shoppe, said an official.

Against the onslaught of email and instant communication using computers and smart phones, India Post has been trying to reinvent itself through a variety of improvised communication services such as e-post, e-money order and e-tracking.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


கோவில்பட்டி தேசிய அஞ்சல் ஊழியர் சங்கத்தின் முன்னாள் கோட்டசெயலாளரும் ஸ்ரீவில்லிபுத்தூர் Grade II Postmaster ருமான
திரு விக்டர் தனிஸ்லாஸ் அவர்களின் தாயார் இன்று மாலை காலமானார் என்பதை வருத்தத்துடன் தெரிவித்து கொள்கிறோம்.
அன்னாரின் இறுதி சடங்கு நாளை கோவில்பட்டியில் அவரது இல்லத்தில் வைத்து  நடைபெறும்.
அன்னாரின் மறைவால் வாடும் அவர்தம் குடும்பத்தினருக்கு தேசிய சங்கத்தின் ஆழ்த்த அனுதாபங்கள்.

Tamilnadu Postmaster Gr I - 2014 Results Declared


Cadre Restructuring Agreement of Gr C Employees.

Cadre Restructuring ல் தற்போதைய நிலையை பாரீர் 


Cadre Restructuring agreement of the Group ‘C’ employees of the Department of Posts was signed by both the official side and staff side on 28.04.2014 after protracted discussions and hard-bargaining by the leadership of NFPE & FNPO. By 30.04.2015 first anniversary of the signing of the agreement will be over. Even after a lapse of nine months the proposal is still pending in the Postal Directorate. In all other departments like Railways, Income Tax, Central Secretariat etc. 
cadre restructuring is already approved by Government and implemented. Employees got the benefits months back. Postal JCA has included this demand in its charter of demands. The reply given by the Department is really shocking and shameful. After keeping the file in the cold-storage for ten months now the Postal Board says it want six months more time to process the proposal for submission to the DOP&T. Reply given by the Department in the minutes of the strike charter discussion is reproduced below:
“The examination of proposals regarding Cadre Restructuring will be expedited and will be sent to DOP&T within specified period as decided in the JCM meeting (i.e six month from 16.12.2014)”
So, as per the reply, for processing the proposal, the Directorate will take time upto 30.06.2015 i.e. fourteen months from the date of signing of the agreement. It is really shameful. After processing, the proposal is to be submitted to DOP&T for approval. If Postal Board can take 14 months for  processing, DOP&T will definitely take minimum six months. After that approval of Finance and Law Ministry’s are to be obtained. Thus minimum it will take one more year from 30.06.2015. By that time 7th CPC report will be submitted and implemented by Government. Once 7th CPC   recommendations are implemented the entire cadre Restructuring Agreement signed after 6th CPC report will become infructuous and Government will say fresh cadre Restructuring Committee is to be constituted after the 7th CPC. That means all the effort made by the Postal Federations will go in vain. This should not be allowed to happen under any circumstances. Postal JCA Leaders should rise upto the occasion.
All of us know that the cadre Restructuring agreement is a product of continuous struggle conducted by Postal JCA right from 2010 onwards. Postal Board adopted delaying tactics from the very beginning and everytime we countered it with serious agitations including serving of indefinite strike notice and mobilisation of the workers, which compelled the Postal Board to sign the agreement on 28.04.2014. If the agreement is implemented, the promotional chances of Group ‘C’ employees will increase three fold (three times). Further on completion of two years service in the third promotional scale they will get one more promotion i.e. fourth promotion. Every Group ‘C’ employee will be benefited and the long wait for getting more promotional opportunities will be over.
In the above circumstances, we cannot accept the stand taken by the Postal Board in the JCM Departmental council meeting on 16.12.2014 and also in the strike Charter discussion meeting on 05.02.2015. 6th & 7th Central Pay Commissions are given only 18 months time by the  Government for examining the wages and service conditions and giving  recommendations regarding 30 lakhs of Central Govt. employees and about 20 lakhs Defence personnel which includes more than 60 departments and hundreds of various cadres and Pay Commissions are completing their work within the specified time. Here in the Postal department for processing an agreement signed by the Department and staff side 14 months time is being taken, that too not for final orders, but for submitting the proposal to DOP&T!!!. It is an insult to the entire employees who are eagerly waiting for orders. Their hope and aspirations cannot be allowed to be shattered, because of the indifferent attitude of the Postal Board.
Postal JCA leaders should take a firm and uncompromising stand and should demand implementation of the cadre restructuring proposals (not merely processing for submission to DOP&T) before 30.04.2015. Orders are to be issued before 30.04.2015. Otherwise we should go for indefinite strike as already decided by Postal JCA.
It is an agreement signed by the Department and it should not be allowed to lapse automatically after 7th CPC finalizing its report. DOP&T will not allow any cadre restructuring Committee Report constituted after 6th CPC to be implemented after 7th CPC recommendations. Once 7th CPC  recommendations are submitted to Government, DOP&T will simply reject the agreement and advise Postal Board to reconstitute another Cadre Restructuring committee after implementation of 7th CPC recommendations. So let us understand the seriousness of the situation and rise upto the occasion.

Revision of rates for various treatment procedures under CGHS

Bipartite Settlement between Union and Management on wage revision.

Minutes of the discussions held on 23rd February 2015 between IBA representing Management of bank which are parties to the Bipartite Settlement and Workmen Unions and Officers’ Association on wage revision
Discussions were held between the Indian Banks’ Association representing Managements of Banks and the authorised representatives of Workmen Unions and Officers’ Associations on wage revision for officers in banks. After holding several rounds of discussions the parties have mutually agreed as under:
1. The Wage revision will be effective from 1.11.2012.
2. The annual wage increase in salary and allowances @ 15% which works out to Rs. 4725 crores on salary slip components.
3. The new scales will be constructed after merging dearness allowance corresponding 4440 points as on November 2011, which works out to 60.15% and adding a factor 2% on basic pay plus dearness allowance as on 31st March 2012 amounting to around Rs. 597 crores.
4. Distribution of annual wage increase between Workmen and Officers’ Association will be worked separately based on breakupof establishment expenses as on 31.03.2012.
5. Every second and fourth Saturday of the month will be a holiday and the other Saturdays will be full working days.
6. All other issues of the Management and Unions / Associations discussed during the process of negotiation will be settled to the mutual satisfaction.
7. The Parties will meet on mutually convenient dates to draw out a detailed Bipartite Settlement / Joint Note on the various issues on which consensus positions have been reached. The parties will endeavour to finalise the Bipartite Settlement / Joint Note within a period of ninety days from the date of minutes
Signed at Mumbai on 23rd February 2015
For Management
For Officers Associations / Workmen Unions

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